03 University of Plymouth Research Projects and Portfolios: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-10 of 38
mNCEA Policy Brief - Mind the Gap – The need to continue long-term plankton monitoring
(University of PlymouthPlymouth, UK, 2024-03-07)This policy brief argues that while it is beneficial to explore novel plankton survey technology, it is essential that we also continue to maintain traditional long-term monitoring programmes to generate the necessary ... -
mNCEA policy brief - PELCAP: Natural Capital in Plankton & Pelagic Habitats
(Scottish Association for Marine ScienceOban, UK, 2024-03-07)This policy brief fact sheet descries ecosystem services provided by pelagic habitats and a natural capital accounting of the the economic contribution pelagic habitats provide to the UK, as estimated by the Office of ... -
mNCEA policy brief - The many scales of pelagic habitats
(University of PlymouthPlymouth, UK, 2024-03-07)This fact sheet is intended to help explain the extreme variation in both abundance and body size exhibited by marine plankton and why those characteristics make them challenging to understand. Plankton in pelagic (open ... -
mNCEA policy brief - Plenty more fish in the sea? Counting the cost of climate change on marine Natural Capital
(Plymouth Marine LaboratoryPlymouth, UK, 2024-03-07)This policy brief describes how predicted changes in productivity across the Atlantic will impact the amount of fish that the marine environment can support. This is bound to have important implications for marine food ... -
Policing Piracy 2: Modern Piracy and Smuggling in the South West
(2016)This second panel explored the policing of smuggling and profiteering in the south west and the responses of the police to the smuggling of people and commodities including the clandestine landing of people and drugs on ... -
Post-PACE: Police and Policing in the South West
(2016)Co-Ordinator: Professor Kim Stevenson Chair: Professor Judith Rowbotham Consultant: Michael Kandiah, Kings College London Aim: to collect details of the experiences, anecdotes and memories of former serving police officers ... -
Policing Piracy 1: The International Picture, Politics and Strategies Post 1989
(2016)This panel explored international responses and policing to modern day piracy and shiphijacking including incidents involving Somali and Malay pirates in the Gulf and Indian oceans. Panel Witnesses included: David Thomas, ...