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Welcome to The Plymouth Student Scientist! This is an electronic journal showcasing excellence in undergraduate student research from the University of Plymouth's STEM disciplines. This online journal started as the main output of a HEFCE-funded project, and is now supported by Learning Development , Student Learning Services (part of Library and Academic Development). Its aim is to support and develop research-informed teaching and good writing practice at the University of Plymouth.
The e-journal seeks to make the research process more accessible and explicit, by highlighting examples of good practice from across the STEM disciplines. It also aims to support both staff and student involvement, by acting as a teaching tool for staff and as a vehicle to promote and share student research activities. We welcome STEM submissions from all faculties at Plymouth.
It is hoped that the journal will encourage students to become more reflective and critical of their own research skills as they consider the work of their peers. It is with this aim in mind that all articles are presented, largely, in their original state complete with imperfections. In addition, we hope the journal will enable students to see a range of research activities and potential collaborations with staff at the University, encouraging further dialogue and enquiries. We welcome comments regarding this e-journal.

Opportunities to publish (submission guidlines):

This opportunity only applies to students from STEM subjects who are studying at the University of Plymouth (ONLY). Main criteria:

  1. You have received a 1st in your final year undergraduate project (in a STEM subject).
  2. There is no guarantee of acceptance. However, all will be seriously considered for publication. You are welcome to express an interest, although we would also suggest discussing your intentions with your project or dissertation supervisor.
  3. When all parties are willing, we finally require signed electronic consent. Please note, this link requires a University of Plymouth login to access. Also, the consent form contains downloadable content to help with your conversion. Please use this consent form

Journal Editorial Board

Dr Jason Truscott (principal contact and Chief Editor) Learning Development Advisor (Student Learning Services - Faculty of Science and Engineering liaison)
Professor Mark Anderson (Editor and Associate Dean (Education) - Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Dr Asiya Khan (Editor and Associate Dean (Education) - Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Dr Karen Gresty (Founder, Editor and Faculty Academic Enhancement Lead - Faculty of Science and Engineering)


University of Plymouth Press

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Author manuscripts deposited to comply with open access mandates are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author.
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