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dc.contributor.supervisorBurghes, David
dc.contributor.authorBinns-Thompson, Shandelene Khadine Kedisha
dc.contributor.otherSchool of Society and Cultureen_US

This embedded quasi-experimental research design examined the impact of an enrichment initiative entitled the Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) on Jamaican students’ performance and attitude towards mathematics. It identified teaching strategies for integrating the MEP into Jamaican primary mathematics classes. It investigated the impact of the MEP on teachers’ pedagogical practices, and it identified the barriers to integrating the MEP. A sample of 331 students and 12 teachers were conveniently selected from three schools from three parishes in Jamaica for the intervention group. The comparison group consisted of 180 students and seven teachers conveniently selected from two schools in central Jamaica. The participating teachers were trained and certified in a mathematics Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) programme prior the implementation of the MEP. The treatment involved teaching the Jamaican grades one and two mathematics standards using the MEP resources for nine months. Quantitative data collection over the school year included pre-tests, post-tests, and pre- and post- children’s mathematics attitudinal surveys. The qualitative data was obtained through classroom observations and interviews. The quantitative data was analysed by means of descriptive statistics which involved the use of the 25th version of the statistical software (SPSS). Descriptive and in vivo coding were used to analyse the qualitative data which involved the use of QRS international’s NVivo 12 qualitative software programme. A statistically significant impact and large effect size of the intervention was found, indicating that the MEP had a substantial impact on students’ achievement and attitudes towards mathematics. Additionally, numerous teaching strategies were found to be effective for integrating the MEP. The findings also indicated there are aspects of the MEP that participating teachers thought were worth adapting and implementing in their practices. It was also found that there are barriers to integrating the MEP into Jamaican primary mathematics classrooms. Implications for designing enrichment programmes geared at addressing mathematics underperformance in Jamaica and other countries are discussed.

dc.publisherUniversity of Plymouth
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectMathematics enrichment, mathematics enhancement programme (MEP), attitude, performance, subject knowledge, primary education, mathematics education, teaching strategiesen_US
dc.titleEvaluating the Integration of a Mathematics Enhancement Programme into Jamaican Primary Mathematics Classesen_US
dc.rights.embargoperiodNo embargoen_US

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