Journal details

Message Graphic Communication Design Research

Message is an international peer-reviewed journal. It explores, questions and challenges the nature and boundaries of Graphic Communication Design. Its values, roles, tools, practices, outputs, contexts and effects.

We welcome submissions from researchers, educators, academics and practitioners, in the form of papers, project reports or visual essays. We particularly welcome submissions with a practice-based focus.

Message aims to:
  • Explore and challenge the boundaries of visual communication
  • Investigate the development and use of technology
  • Question visual communication values, such as social, ethical and sustainable practices

Victoria Squire, Managing Editor, University of Plymouth
Peter Jones, Managing Editor
Mark James, Co-editor, University of Plymouth
Colm Dunne, Co-editor, University of Plymouth

Åse Huus, Consultant editor, University of Bergen
Dóra Ísleifsdóttir, Consultant editor, University of Bergen

Project manager
Lynda Cooper, University of Plymouth

University of Plymouth Press

Editorial Board
  • Professor Rina Arya, University of Huddersfield
  • Patrick Baglee, Design Consultant and Journalist
  • Paul Bailey, London College of Communication
  • Dr Russ Bestley, London College of Communication
  • James Corazzo, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Dr James Dyer, University of Huddersfield, UK
  • Professor Emeritus Jorge Frascara, University of Alberta
  • Dr Kirsten Hardie, Arts University Bournemouth
  • Dr Phil Jones, Arts University Bournemouth
  • Arja Karhumaa, Aalto University
  • Professor Peter Lloyd, Solent University Southampton
  • Dr Anastasios Maragiannis, University of Greenwich
  • Maziar Raein, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
  • Professor Emerita Elizabeth Resnick, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
  • Lizzie Ridout, Falmouth University
  • Aidan Rowe, University of Alberta
  • Colin Searls, Dartington Hall Trust
  • Robert Sollis, Camberwell College of Arts
  • Professor Teal Triggs, Royal College of Art London
  • Dr. Albert Young Choi, Hanyang University ERICA


University of Plymouth Press:

Recent Submissions

  • Message Journal, Issue 5: COVID-19 SPECIAL ISSUE Capturing visual insights, thoughts and reflections on 2020/21 and beyond... 

    Multiple authors; Abdisalam, Sadia; Alexander, James; Evans, Carole; Ayling, Tom; Barness, Jessica; Bîrhală, Diana; Borțoi, Maria; Canniffe, Bernard J.; Capaldi, Patti; Cardoso, Tânia A.; Class Action Collective; Culliford, Megan; Cunningham, Stephanie; Davies, Meg; Dey, Subir; Frame, Matthew; Ganci, Aaron; Gibbons, Peter; Gvozdeva, Sofija; Herrmann, Elizabeth; Lee, Chae Ho; Hoffmann, Alma; Kamaruzzaman, Hedzlynn; Karp, Merle; Kaufman-Hill, Holly K.; Kilburn, John; Korenblat, Joshua; Lehrer, Warren; Lewis, Erica V. P.; Lhowe, Christine; Li, Xinyi; Salchow Macarthur, Kelly; Mayers, Shelly; McCarthy, Steven; Milea, Bianca; Nesteruk, Sara; Normoyle, Cat; Teague, Jessica; Nini, Paul; Osborne, Emily; Shefrin, Sima Elizabeth; Shim, Kyuha; Sibrian, Angelica; Sinni, Gianni; Sgarro, Irene; Smart, David; Soar, Matt; Tang, Junie; Tegtmeyer, Rebecca; Thon Knutsen, Ane; Thomas, Isobel; Westley, Darryl; Winstanley, Lisa; Woo, Danne; Wood, Dave; Gregory, Helena; Raeburn, Colin; Malcolm, Jackie (University of Plymouth, 2022-02)
    If there is a theme running through the Message Covid-19 special issue, it is one of caring. Of our own and others’ resilience and wellbeing, of friendship and community, of students, practitioners and their futures, of ...
  • Message Journal, Issue 4: DESIGN POLITICS What are the politics of your design and what is the design of your politics? 

    Multiple authors; Afanador-Llach, Camila; Berry, Anne; Calvelli, John; Coogan, Kristen; Dyer, James; Gale, Cathy; Giangiulio, Anne M.; Herrmann, Elizabeth; Lettis, Gwen; Souza, Omari; Wood, Dave; Lee, Chae Ho; Napier, Pamela; McMahon, Muireann; de Eyto, Adam; Rutherford, Sarah (University of Plymouth, 2020-12)
    In the Message journal issue 4 we wanted to create an arena where our discipline could discuss the nature and context of its role from an overtly political perspective. Whilst we felt in our bones there was an appetite ...
  • Message Journal, Issue 3: What is the topography of the contemporary graphic design / communication landscape in relation to art practice? What occupies the space between disciplines? 

    Multiple authors; Barber, Craig; Gale, Cathy; Jasper, Daniel; Kaiser, Zachary; Richard, Miles; Roberts, Spencer; Spackman, Andrew (University of Plymouth Press, 2016-07)
    In Message journal issue 3 the refereed submissions explore further the boundaries between contemporary graphic design/communication and art, as well as examining what is occupied within the space between the discipline ...

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This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License which allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article as long as the author is attributed & properly cited, the article is not used for commercial purposes, and the work is not modified or adapted in any way.

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