Now showing items 41-50 of 1130

    • (Im)mobilising Youth Citizenship / Youth Citizenship (im)mobilities 

      Holton, M (Royal Geographical Society, London, 2023-08-31)
      Mobility is a vital component to many conceptual, empirical and philosophical debates surrounding age, ageing and the life-course. In this paper we focus on how the relationship between mobility and citizenship shapes ...
    • Influence of Fault System Geometry and Slip Rates on the Relative Role of Coseismic and Interseismic Stresses on Earthquake Triggering and Recurrence Variability 

      Sgambato, C; Faure Walker, JP; Roberts, GP; Mildon, ZK; Meschis, M (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2023-11-01)
      We model Coulomb stress transfer (CST) due to 30 strong earthquakes occurring on normal faults since 1509 CE in Calabria, Italy, including the influence of interseismic loading, and compare the results to existing studies ...
    • Sea ice-ocean coupling during Heinrich Stadials in the Atlantic–Arctic gateway 

      El bani Altuna, N; Ezat, MM; Smik, L; Muschitiello, F; Belt, ST; Knies, J; Rasmussen, TL (Springer Science and Business Media LLCEngland, 2024-01-11)
      The variability of Arctic sea-ice during abrupt stadial-interstadial shifts in the last glacial period remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the millennial-scale relationship, with a focus on Heinrich Stadials ...
    • Essential omega‐3 fatty acids are depleted in sea ice and pelagic algae of the Central Arctic Ocean 

      Schmidt, K; Graeve, M; Hoppe, CJM; Torres‐Valdes, S; Welteke, N; Whitmore, LM; Anhaus, P; Atkinson, A; Belt, ST; Brenneis, T; Campbell, RG; Castellani, G; Copeman, LA; Flores, H; Fong, AA; Hildebrandt, N; Kohlbach, D; Nielsen, JM; Parrish, CC; Rad‐Menéndez, C; Rokitta, SD; Tippenhauer, S; Zhuang, Y (WileyEngland, 2024-01)
      Microalgae are the main source of the omega‐3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), essential for the healthy development of most marine and terrestrial fauna including humans. Inverse ...
    • Steeper size spectra with decreasing phytoplankton biomass indicate strong trophic amplification and future fish declines 

      Atkinson, A; Rossberg, AG; Gaedke, U; Sprules, G; Heneghan, RF; Batziakas, S; Grigoratou, M; Fileman, E; Schmidt, K; Frangoulis, C (Springer Science and Business Media LLCEngland, 2024-01-09)
      Under climate change, model ensembles suggest that declines in phytoplankton biomass amplify into greater reductions at higher trophic levels, with serious implications for fisheries and carbon storage. However, the extent ...
    • Crossing riverborderscapes and a view from in‐between: Passenger ferries in South West England 

      McGrath, E; Yarwood, R; Harmer, N (Wiley, 2023-12-20)
      This paper explores the everyday experiences of crossing rivers that form local borders. It proposes and utilises the term ‘riverborderscape’ to bring together the particularities, complexities, and creativities associated ...
    • Triassic and Jurassic possible planktonic foraminifera and the assemblages recovered from the Ogrodzieniec Glauconitic Marls Formation (uppermost Callovian and lowermost Oxfordian, Jurassic) of the Polish Basin 

      Hart, MB; Gebhardt, H; Setoyama, E; Smart, CW; Tyszka, J (Copernicus GmbH, 2023-12-08)
      Abstract. In the 1960s and 1970s Werner Fuchs of the Austrian Geological Survey (Vienna) described a significant number of new foraminiferal taxa that he considered ancestral to the planktonic foraminifera. All these taxa ...
    • Contamination of Thames Estuary sediments by retroreflective glass microbeads, road marking paint fragments and anthropogenic microfibres 

      West-Clarke, Z; Turner, A (Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2024-02-20)
      Surface and subsurface sediment samples (n = 16) from the highly urbanised inner Thames Estuary (UK) have been physically and chemically characterised and analysed for anthropogenic microdebris. Sediments were gravelly ...
    • Complex erosional response to uplift and rock strength contrasts in transient river systems crossing an active normal fault revealed by 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclide analyses 

      Boulton, S; Rodes, A; Fabel, D; Alcicek, MC; Whittaker, A (Wiley, 2024-02-07)
      Understanding the influence of bedrock lithology on the catchment-averaged erosion rates of normal fault-bounded catchments and the effect that different bedrock erodibilties have on the evolution of transient fluvial ...
    • Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities 

      Cooper, DLM; Lewis, SL; Sullivan, MJP; Prado, PI; ter Steege, H; Barbier, N; Slik, F; Sonké, B; Ewango, CEN; Adu-Bredu, S; Affum-Baffoe, K; de Aguiar, DPP; Ahuite Reategui, MA; Aiba, S-I; Albuquerque, BW; de Almeida Matos, FD; Alonso, A; Amani, CA; do Amaral, DD; do Amaral, IL; Andrade, A; de Andrade Miranda, IP; Angoboy, IB; Araujo-Murakami, A; Arboleda, NC; Arroyo, L; Ashton, P; Aymard C, GA; Baider, C; Baker, TR; Balinga, MPB; Balslev, H; Banin, LF; Bánki, OS; Baraloto, C; Barbosa, EM; Barbosa, FR; Barlow, J; Bastin, J-F; Beeckman, H; Begne, S; Bengone, NN; Berenguer, E; Berry, N; Bitariho, R; Boeckx, P; Bogaert, J; Bonyoma, B; Boundja, P; Bourland, N; Boyemba Bosela, F; Brambach, F; Brienen, R; Burslem, DFRP; Camargo, JL; Campelo, W; Cano, A; Cárdenas, S; Cárdenas López, D; de Sá Carpanedo, R; Carrero Márquez, YA; Carvalho, FA; Casas, LF; Castellanos, H; Castilho, CV; Cerón, C; Chapman, CA; Chave, J; Chhang, P; Chutipong, W; Chuyong, GB; Cintra, BBL; Clark, CJ; Coelho de Souza, F; Comiskey, JA; Coomes, DA; Cornejo Valverde, F; Correa, DF; Costa, FRC; Costa, JBP; Couteron, P; Culmsee, H; Cuni-Sanchez, A; Dallmeier, F; Damasco, G; Dauby, G; Dávila, N; Dávila Doza, HP; De Alban, JDT; de Assis, RL; De Canniere, C; De Haulleville, T; de Jesus Veiga Carim, M; Demarchi, LO; Dexter, KG; Di Fiore, A; Din, HHM; Disney, MI; Djiofack, BY; Djuikouo, M-NK; Do, TV; Doucet, J-L; Draper, FC; Droissart, V; Duivenvoorden, JF; Engel, J; Estienne, V; Farfan-Rios, W; Fauset, S; Feeley, KJ; Feitosa, YO; Feldpausch, TR; Ferreira, C; Ferreira, J; Ferreira, LV; Fletcher, CD; Flores, BM; Fofanah, A; Foli, EG; Fonty, É; Fredriksson, GM; Fuentes, A; Galbraith, D; Gallardo Gonzales, GP; Garcia-Cabrera, K; García-Villacorta, R; Gomes, VHF; Gómez, RZ; Gonzales, T; Gribel, R; Guedes, MC; Guevara, JE; Hakeem, KR; Hall, JS; Hamer, KC; Hamilton, AC; Harris, DJ; Harrison, RD; Hart, TB; Hector, A; Henkel, TW; Herbohn, J; Hockemba, MBN; Hoffman, B; Holmgren, M; Honorio Coronado, EN; Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, I; Hubau, W; Imai, N; Irume, MV; Jansen, PA; Jeffery, KJ; Jimenez, EM; Jucker, T; Junqueira, AB; Kalamandeen, M; Kamdem, NG; Kartawinata, K; Kasongo Yakusu, E; Katembo, JM; Kearsley, E; Kenfack, D; Kessler, M; Khaing, TT; Killeen, TJ; Kitayama, K; Klitgaard, B; Labrière, N; Laumonier, Y; Laurance, SGW; Laurance, WF; Laurent, F; Le, TC; Le, TT; Leal, ME; Leão de Moraes Novo, EM; Levesley, A; Libalah, MB; Licona, JC; Lima Filho, DDA; Lindsell, JA; Lopes, A; Lopes, MA; Lovett, JC; Lowe, R; Lozada, JR; Lu, X; Luambua, NK; Luize, BG; Maas, P; Magalhães, JLL; Magnusson, WE; Mahayani, NPD; Makana, J-R; Malhi, Y; Maniguaje Rincón, L; Mansor, A; Manzatto, AG; Marimon, BS; Marimon-Junior, BH; Marshall, AR; Martins, MP; Mbayu, FM; de Medeiros, MB; Mesones, I; Metali, F; Mihindou, V; Millet, J; Milliken, W; Mogollón, HF; Molino, J-F; Mohd. Said, MN; Monteagudo Mendoza, A; Montero, JC; Moore, S; Mostacedo, B; Mozombite Pinto, LF; Mukul, SA; Munishi, PKT; Nagamasu, H; Nascimento, HEM; Nascimento, MT; Neill, D; Nilus, R; Noronha, JC; Nsenga, L; Núñez Vargas, P; Ojo, L; Oliveira, AA; de Oliveira, EA; Ondo, FE; Palacios Cuenca, W; Pansini, S; Pansonato, MP; Paredes, MR; Paudel, E; Pauletto, D; Pearson, RG; Pena, JLM; Pennington, RT; Peres, CA; Permana, A; Petronelli, P; Peñuela Mora, MC; Phillips, JF; Phillips, OL; Pickavance, G; Piedade, MTF; Pitman, NCA; Ploton, P; Popelier, A; Poulsen, JR; Prieto, A; Primack, RB; Priyadi, H; Qie, L; Quaresma, AC; de Queiroz, HL; Ramirez-Angulo, H; Ramos, JF; Reis, NFC; Reitsma, J; Revilla, JDC; Riutta, T; Rivas-Torres, G; Robiansyah, I; Rocha, M; Rodrigues, DDJ; Rodriguez-Ronderos, ME; Rovero, F; Rozak, AH; Rudas, A; Rutishauser, E; Sabatier, D; Sagang, LB; Sampaio, AF; Samsoedin, I; Satdichanh, M; Schietti, J; Schöngart, J; Scudeller, VV; Seuaturien, N; Sheil, D; Sierra, R; Silman, MR; Silva, TSF; da Silva Guimarães, JR; Simo-Droissart, M; Simon, MF; Sist, P; Sousa, TR; de Sousa Farias, E; de Souza Coelho, L; Spracklen, DV; Stas, SM; Steinmetz, R; Stevenson, PR; Stropp, J; Sukri, RS; Sunderland, TCH; Suzuki, E; Swaine, MD; Tang, J; Taplin, J; Taylor, DM; Tello, JS; Terborgh, J; Texier, N; Theilade, I; Thomas, DW; Thomas, R; Thomas, SC; Tirado, M; Toirambe, B; de Toledo, JJ; Tomlinson, KW; Torres-Lezama, A; Tran, HD; Tshibamba Mukendi, J; Tumaneng, RD; Umaña, MN; Umunay, PM; Urrego Giraldo, LE; Valderrama Sandoval, EH; Valenzuela Gamarra, L; Van Andel, TR; van de Bult, M; van de Pol, J; van der Heijden, G; Vasquez, R; Vela, CIA; Venticinque, EM; Verbeeck, H; Veridiano, RKA; Vicentini, A; Vieira, ICG; Vilanova Torre, E; Villarroel, D; Villa Zegarra, BE; Vleminckx, J; von Hildebrand, P; Vos, VA; Vriesendorp, C; Webb, EL; White, LJT; Wich, S; Wittmann, F; Zagt, R; Zang, R; Zartman, CE; Zemagho, L; Zent, EL; Zent, S (Springer Science and Business Media LLCEngland, 2024-01-25)
      Trees structure the Earth’s most biodiverse ecosystem, tropical forests. The vast number of tree species presents a formidable challenge to understanding these forests, including their response to environmental change, ...

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