Now showing items 51-60 of 1130

    • Basin scale sources of siltation in a contaminated hydropower reservoir 

      Bravo-Linares, C; Ovando-Fuentealba, L; Muñoz-Arcos, E; Kitch, JL; Millward, GE; López-Gajardo, R; Cañoles-Zambrano, M; Del Valle, A; Kelly, C; Blake, WH (Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2024-01-09)
      Siltation and the loss of hydropower reservoir capacity is a global challenge with a predicted 26 % loss of storage at the global scale by 2050. Like in many other Latin American contexts, soil erosion constitutes one of ...
    • Suitability of 210Pbex, 137Cs and 239+240Pu as soil erosion tracers in western Kenya 

      Dowell, SM; Humphrey, OS; Gowing, CJB; Barlow, TS; Chenery, SR; Isaboke, J; Blake, WH; Osano, O; Watts, MJ (Elsevier BVEngland, 2024-01)
      Land degradation resulting from soil erosion is a global concern, with the greatest risk in developing countries where food and land resources can be limited. The use of fallout radionuclides (FRNs) is a proven method for ...
    • Cigarette filter fibres as a source and sink of trace metals in coastal waters 

      Turner, A; Cundell, AL (Elsevier BVEngland, 2024-02)
      Cellulose acetate fibres from cigarette filters represent a form of microplastic that has received little attention in the environment. In this study, a ground composite of spent, smoked filter material (FM) has been used ...
    • Staying Home” and Domestic Student (Im)mobilities: Thinking Through “Stuckness” Beyond COVID-19 

      Holton, M; Finn, K (Sprnger, 2023-12-14)
      Research into the social and geographical dimensions of student mobility in Higher Education (HE) is well established. Within this broad field, domestic student mobilities figure somewhat unevenly, with patterns of ...
    • Citizens Apart? Representing post-Brexit youth politics in the UK media 

      Holton, M; Lee, J; Beech, S; McDowell, S (Wiley, 2023)
      In 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU). This outcome was not only unexpected but also had clear geographical and age-bound divisions. While people over the age of 65 tended to vote to leave, younger voters ...
    • Influence of built environment on outdoor thermal comfort: A comparative study of new and old urban blocks in Guangzhou 

      Deng, X; Nie, W; Li, X; Wu, J; Yin, Z; Han, J; Pan, H; Zhang, Jian (Elsevier BV, 2023-04)
      Urban populations face increasing heat stress in cities. However, the influence of the built environment of new and old urban blocks on pedestrian thermal comfort remains unclear. This study selected typical old (Yongqingfang) ...
    • Lead and mercury in historical books and their contribution to dust contamination 

      Turner, A (Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2023-09-15)
      Historical products are often a source of toxic substances, like heavy metals, that have since been restricted. In this study, the lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) content of 133 books housed in two collections in southwest ...
    • Microplastics in surface coastal waters around Plymouth, UK, and the contribution of boating and shipping activities 

      Higgins, C; Turner, A (Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2023-10-01)
      Microplastics determined in surface water trawls from coastal waters around Plymouth, southwest England, ranged from 0.26 to 0.68 n m−3, with a decrease evident from the lower estuaries of the Tamar and Plym to areas in ...
    • Sea-ice decline could keep zooplankton deeper for longer 

      Flores, H; Veyssière, G; Castellani, G; Wilkinson, J; Hoppmann, M; Karcher, M; Valcic, L; Cornils, A; Geoffroy, M; Nicolaus, M; Niehoff, B; Priou, P; Schmidt, K; Stroeve, J (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-10)
      <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>As Arctic sea ice deteriorates, more light enters the ocean, causing largely unknown effects on the ecosystem. Using an autonomous biophysical observatory, we recorded zooplankton ...
    • Summary of the first Brazilian Symposium on Human Biometeorology 

      Krüger, EL; dos Santos Gomes, AC; Lucio, PS; Gobo, JPA; Nedel, AS; Gonçalves, FLT; Piacenti-Silva, M; Di Napoli, C; Lam, CKC (Springer Science and Business Media LLCUnited States, 2023-02)
      This brief background highlights Brazil as a 'climate-health hotspot', i.e. a country where climate affects local populations negatively through multiple pathways (Di Napoli et al. BMC Public Health 22(1):1-8, 2022). ...

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