Table of contents

A notable mention - All these incredible research and development articles in this edition are from STEM students at the University of Plymouth, working on their final year research project during the COVID19 lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. A huge thank you to them, and their committed supervisors in STEM. I have enjoyed reading your submissions and working with you all. Not only have you navigated nimbly the COVID19 restrictions, but also tackled the conversion and review process to produce these excellent papers! I very much hope that the experience of being "published" takes you to greater heights in your future careers. Feel free to share your success and cite your work. With kind regards, Dr Jason B. Truscott (Chief Editor).


Project articles - Biomedical sciences

Stephanie Ellis, The effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash vs propolis mouthwash on the nitrate-reducing activity of oral bacteria and vascular control in healthy individuals, pp. 1-13.

Ashleigh Hellier, The relationship between sociodemographic factors and the snacking and drinking behaviours of children aged between 1 and 5 years in early years settings across Plymouth, pp. 28-44.

Thanthri Peiris, The use of novel lung alveolar macrophage model, Max Planck Institute cells, to demonstrate the differential effects of smooth and rough mycobacterium abscessus forms on IL-6 and IL-1B induction, pp. 31-48.


Project articles - Biological and Marine Sciences

Emmanuelle Farrington, Usability of Sentinel-3 satellite ocean colour data for examination and chlorophyll gradient classification of submesoscale island wake formations, pp. 49-77.


Project articles - Chemistry (Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Daniel Rogers, An investigation into the determination of ammonium in mine bioleaching solutions utilising an ammonia gas electrode, pp. 78-107.


Project articles - Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

William Ross Andrewartha, Development of a flow injection micro analysis system using an ARM microcontroller with an interactive web-based interface, pp. 108-144.

Andrew Bellas, Codeo – Learning support research: use of automated feedback within undergraduate programming education, a case study, pp. 145-165.

Florian Bright, Producing a theoretical model for determining the appropriate propeller for a given model aircraft application, pp.166-205.

Jay Grocock, Measuring the internal geometry of an anastomosed synthetic blood vessel under internal pressure, pp. 206-245.

Chris Jones, Analysing and improving the structural stiffness of the Triumph Vitesse, pp. 246-285.

Euan McCredie, A study of the effect of heat treatments on EN9 steel - grain structure and mechanical properties, pp. 286-309.

Elliot Joseph Nunes, Improving the Crashworthiness of Space Frame Based Vehicles Using Composites, pp. 310-340.

Ryan Pickup, The development and manufacture of a composite mobility aid for a Paralympic Table Tennis player, pp. 341-404.

Adam Stiles, Mathematical constraints and their philosophical impact, pp. 405-451.

Faye Wright, Hydrodynamics of jet propulsion, pp. 452-489.


Project articles - Psychology

Anna Adkins, Acute stress, friend or foe: An investigation of free recall ability for incongruent items when placed under acute psychological stress, pp. 490-502.

Laura Collins, A qualitative investigation of media framing regarding Christopher Jefferies in the case of Joanna Yeates’ murder, pp. 503-528.

Millie Clark, Does social connectedness increase pro-environmental behaviour?, pp. 529-544.

Adele Conn, Reliability of targets in a picture naming task, pp. 545-567.

Annabelle Lobb, Does a mindfulness intervention have a significant effect on preference for intrinsic or extrinsic benefits of environmentally friendly behaviours?, pp. 568-582.

Antonio Martin, Working memory modules on the threshold to consciousness, pp. 583-599.

Gavin Miller, Negative emotional appeals: The effectiveness of fear and guilt communicative appeals on individuals pro-environmental behaviour and environmental concern to microplastic pollution, pp. 600-620.

Danielle Jayne Northcott, Triadic relations between parents' screen use, parenting stress and child vocabulary ability, pp. 621-638.

Cassie Parker, Can you hear it? Identifying the priority and function of overlapping auditory medical alarms, pp. 639-657.

Bethany Pinnell, The role of social connectedness in pro-environmental behaviours at a trait and situational level, pp. 658-672.

Jennifer Spencer, Plastic pollution, single-use plastics, judgments, behaviours, environmentalism, reactions, ocean connectedness, branding psychology, pp.673-698.

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